Advocare is active and committed to creating strong links within the aged care sector itself and the research community
We chair the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA) in WA to encourage and support other groups and providers in the sector to identify and lobby for systemic change relevant to older people.
Advocare also partners with other stakeholders in the research realm like universities and students, to ensure evidence-based data informs both our practice, policy-making and lobbying for wider community change, awareness and understanding of the issues impacting older people.
To discuss potential research projects, please contact us.
Recent collaborations
Dr Catherine Barrett, (OPAL Institute and Celebrating Ageing) on the federally-funded ‘Ready to Listen’ project to build the skills and capacity of residential aged care service providers to better respond to and prevent the sexual assault of older people living in aged care homes.
Dr Barbara Blundell, (Senior Lecturer at Curtin University, Dementia and Ageing Researcher). Advocare has been involved in numerous and ongoing research projects.
UWA Sage Lab, research participant into responses to the abuse of older people in Western Australia.
- Developing the OPAN workforce: Exploring the skills, attributes, knowledge, professional development, and training requirements for effective aged care advocacy
- Advocacy and Wellness project
- Examination of the Extent of Elder Abuse in Western Australia
- Elder Abuse in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities – Developing Best Practice
Current and ongoing research
APEA – Research is underway into appropriate messaging/media guidelines on Elder Abuse with and for the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA).
EEAA – Active member and research contributor of/to Elder Abuse Action Australia (EEAA)
OPAN – Only WA member of the Australia-wide Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN), and ongoing research contributor.
To discuss potential research projects, please contact us.