Be part of historic Aged Care Act reform

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UPDATE 13/02: Consultation process extended by three weeks to 8 March.

In 2024, be part of history. On 1 July, this year this ground-breaking legislation will take effect, informing the future of aged care in Australia.

The current Aged Care Act and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act are currently under review by the government.

Recently, the long-awaited exposure draft for the new Aged Care Act was released for comment. If you’d like to familiarise yourself with its content, take a look at these resources.

Review the Consultation summary report here.

Watch the webinar ‘Unpacking the exposure draft webinar’ here presented by the Older Person’s Advocacy Network (OPAN).

How to have your say!

‘We are encouraging all Australians to have their say on this legislation, which will shape the aged care sector for years to come. To age is a privilege and one thing we should all want to experience. When the time comes and we need a bit of extra support, it’s in all of our best interests that we have an aged care system protecting our rights, dignity, choice, control and quality of life.’  Louise Forster, CEO.

If you’re an older person, the family or representative of an older person, an aged care provider, or someone concerned about what state the aged care system will be in by the time you need to use it, your chance to speak up is now.

We encourage everyone to get involved! There are several ways to do this.

  • Online survey

The survey is open now later until Friday 8 March. Access survey.

  • Online consultation webinars 

Friday 19 January 2024, 11.30am. (Now closed).

Monday 22 January 2024, 11.30am. (Now closed).

  • In-person workshops (Perth and regions)

These are happening in Perth and in the regions (Kalgoorlie, Bunbury and Broome).

The Department of Health and Aged Care has announced additional online workshops following the extension of the consultation period.

The two remaining workshops will be held on:

Tuesday 5 March, 8.00am–10.00am (NB. 5.00am WST). Register here.

Thursday 7 March, 12.00pm–2.00pm (NB. 9.00am WST). Register here.


  • Online drop-in sessions

Sessions are planned for February. Watch this space for further details.

  • Written submissions

Write in with your feedback now. Submissions now close later on Friday 8 March.

Address to:

Department of Health and Aged Care – New Aged Care Act Consultation
GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the shift towards putting the human rights of older Australians front and centre of the new Aged Care Act in 2024.

Need support with your aged care services?

If you need individual advocacy support or information about aged care services, contact Advocare’s friendly team on 1800 655 566.