Advocare’s purpose is to support and protect the rights of older people in Western Australia.
We are here to help you understand your rights, resolve any issues with aged and community care service provision, and access the right supports and protections available.
All of our services are free, confidential and guided by you.
We can assist you by providing:
- Advocacy and support – walking alongside you every step of the way
- Information – providing free information about your rights and access to aged care services
- Education – raising awareness and understanding of the rights of older community members, the assistance and support available, and how to access aged care services
- The WA Elder Abuse Helpline – if you are at risk of, or experiencing elder abuse, contact our free and confidential helpline on 1300 724 679.
Who we support
We assist older people in Western Australia to understand their rights, resolve any issues with aged and community care service provision, and access the right supports and protections available, including:
- People eligible for or who are receiving home or residential care services (65+ non-Indigenous or 50+ Indigenous) throughout Western Australia
- People under 65+ receiving support from HACC (Home and Community Care Program)
- Prematurely aged people 45+ (requires an assessment for eligibility)
- Older people who are being abused or are at risk of Elder Abuse
- Individuals, families, care givers, or concerned representatives
- A guardian or next of kin responsible for decision-making, where capacity is not supported.
Our Advocates
An advocate is someone who speaks or writes in support of another person – and that is what Advocare can offer to you.
Our experienced and friendly team of advocates are here to listen and support you, they are only a phone call away.
Our advocates can support you in a variety of ways, ensuring that your rights and needs are being met, and that your voice is heard:
- Supplying information and resources
- Supporting you at a meeting
- Talking through strategies to help you resolve a problem
- Depending on the situation and with your consent, advocating on your behalf.
For independent, free and confidential information and support, call us on 1800 655 566.
If you have any more questions on Advocare becoming your My Aged Care agent or about aged care free call the Aged Care Advocacy Line 1800 700 600
(This number operates Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm. Saturdays 10.00am-4.00pm WST.)
(Please note: Client confidentially is maintained except in instances where our staff believe there is a real or perceived threat to the individual, or wider community. This information will be regarded as having to be disclosed in the interests of safety).
Dorothy’s story
Dorothy* is 53 years of age and lives in her own home. She looks after her three grandchildren during the week and often takes them to school.
Dorothy has Type 2 Diabetes, her health had been deteriorating for several years. Cleaning, washing and looking after the garden had become more of a struggle, especially as she didn’t have anyone to help.
Dorothy wasn’t aware that because of her health condition, she could get aged care services to help her. She met an Advocare representative at a health event, explained her situation and was told that she could access help at home through a home care services program.
We helped Dorothy with the steps needed to get an aged care assessment, and now she has a support worker regularly visiting to help her with cleaning and gardening. This has given her the ability to care for her grandchildren as well as maintain her home and attend to her own health needs.
* The names on this website have been changed to protect privacy