Protecting the rights of Older People

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Our Advocates can provide support and advocacy for issues directly related to Commonwealth funded aged care services, or Elder Abuse.

Advocare is a leader in addressing the rights of older people and elder abuse.  Our friendly team of Advocates are here to assist you by providing you information and choice so you can make informed decisions and live the life you want on your terms.

Our support and services are free, confidential and unbiased.

Our Advocates can assist you by:

  • Defining your presenting issue(s)
  • With your consent, help you establish next steps to address your issue(s)
  • Discuss and negotiate your issue(s) with your aged care provider
  • Help you achieve a resolution
  • Assist in escalating your issue(s) to Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) if no resolution achieved


As everyone’s circumstances are different, we will listen to you to understand your needs and concerns.

And we will work with you, providing you with information and guidance on how you can get the best outcomes with the issues you are facing now and into the future.

For independent, free and confidential information and support, contact us on 1800 655 566.

Contact us

Gwen’s Story

Gwen* contacted Advocare via her Residential Aged Care facility. She was upset her son was taking advantage of her through the abuse of an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA).

Gwen set up the EPA when she went into hospital for major surgery. After recovering, Gwen wanted to regain control of her finances. She discovered her son had been using her money for his own purposes and not paying her bills.  The thought of confronting her son was distressing. She also felt ashamed about the situation.

It was important to Gwen that she was able to make her own decisions and be in control of her own money.

One of our advocates discussed the options open to Gwen. She requested assistance to remove her EPA, and we prepared a letter to revoke the EPA for Gwen, .  Her Residential Aged Care facility assisted Gwen to provide copies of the letter to Centrelink and her Bank.

* The names on this website have been changed to protect privacy