World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

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Every year, 15 June marks the United Nations internationally-recognised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

Elder abuse is estimated to affect 1 in 6 older Australians*, making it a common and pressing social issue in our community.

Elder abuse can take various forms, ranging from physical and sexual assault, to neglect, psychological and financial mistreatment.

Advocare is proud to be at the forefront of raising public awareness about this day and encourages organisations and individuals to become engaged in helping to prevent elder abuse. Join us in spreading the word to let others know that you, and your organisation, stand against elder abuse.

This year’s theme in WA is:  ‘Wise up, Rise up against elder abuse.’

Illustrated man with arms reaching oput for his money.

WEAAD activities in Perth and our Regions

Advocare’s team will be delivering more than 20 education events around the state ranging from large, multi-agency events to smaller, more intimate settings at local libraries, community resource centres and seniors centres. Visit our website for more details.

Find out what other activities and learning opportunities are available to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023 around WA on the Department of Communities website.

Access our new booklet, Standing strong and speaking out: Identifying the signs of elder abuse’ and ourHelp Stop Elder Abuse’ poster in Advocare’s Resources area.


Advocare poster showing perpetrotr facts, types of elder abuse, risk factors, anf 1300724679.

*Statistics reference: Australian Institute of Family Studies